Wednesday, May 2, 2012

10 ways to spoil mom on Mother's Day

as published at on May 2, 2012:
Calling all husbands, boyfriends, kids and house pets who know who really fills their food bowl: A big holiday is right around the corner -- one that has the potential to be the biggest blow out or biggest blow up of the year!
Mothers love to be thought of before midnight the night before Mother’s Day, so here’s a plan-ahead guide to indulge the mom in your house.
That's right, Mother's Day is May 13. (May 13, May 13, May 13.)

Okay, let's be honest. Really this is a document for moms to blow up to 96 font and tape to the fridge and bathroom mirror. But here's to hoping someone gets the hint.
1. Mothers love breakfast in bed. But mothers do not love breakfast in bed at 5 a.m. Let mom sleep in, and remember to feed your kids before you send them in to mom’s room with a tray, or else mom’s breakfast in bed becomes the breakfast of toddler crumbs in mom’s bed.
2. Mothers love homemade gifts. But moms prefer them when their construction is supervised by a responsible adult (preferably a mom herself who knows a glitter explosion/tacky glue overdose likewise does not bode well in mom's bed).
3. Most mothers also love store-bought gifts. But even though this is THE holiday of the year, store hours are not as generous as those in December. So the last minute, overpriced due to guilt items that served you well last Christmas/Hannukah are not an option in May. Malls close early the night before Mother’s Day, and moms know better than most that wrapped up pedi-eggs and beach towels really came from aisle 13 of your 24-hour CVS.
4. Mothers love to be with their kids...
Read the rest:

10 ways to spoil mom on Mother's Day - OC Moms - The Orange County Register

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