Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cracking Up: Baby fat I adore

as published at on May 23, 2012:
There are some things sisters just shouldn't share: toothbrushes, boyfriends, mood swings … But my two daughters have found the joy in sharing the one thing sisters should: clothes! The problem is, one sister's 4, and the other 11.

"Mom, why is Gracie wearing my shirt?" our oldest Alex asked on St. Patrick's Day, when little Gracie came down dressed for preschool in a sparkly green top.

"You put that shirt in your 'too small' pile," I said.

"Yeah, but I wore it in fifth grade! What size is she?"

And a double check revealed that indeed, my 4-year-old should most appropriately be shopping at Forever 21.

Meet Gracie: the baby of our family, and our Amazon woman. The sensitive would term her "long torsoed." Her brothers prefer the nicknames "Juicy," "Jelly" and "Bacon." They're still in time-out for that one. But our little marshmallow is the mascot of our family.

Gracie is hands-down the most loving child you'll ever meet. She's all about jumping on your neck and giving you a squeeze. But somewhere in that long torso, she's packing lead. Unsuspecting relatives frequently emit a guttural "Ughhhhh" when she leaps into their lap. But no one gives better hugs, so she's worth the deadlegs...
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Cracking Up: Baby fat I adore - OC Moms - The Orange County Register