Monday, May 24, 2010


Ergh. We have a dog. Well, until Wednesday.

And the "ergh" is not from what you might think (the breakdown of my nine year resistance to getting a dog for my begging, pleading, poor, poor pet-free kids.)

The "ergh" is for the reality that I look at this little dog we're pet-sitting for a friend and think: "Cuuute!"

The "ergh" is for the reality that this cute little thing follows me around and seems to really like me. From the reality that this cute little thing is making my kids squeal with joy and beg to go to bed so Tiger can sleep with them. From the reality that this cute little thing is snoring peacefully next to me as I type this and has yet to pee on my carpet, chew up my furniture, or shed one strand of hair on my furniture.



  1. So Cute! We have a dog that we dog-sit on Tues and Thurs and whenever her parents are out of town. It is seriously the best way to have a dog. We just get to have fun with her and then send her home. That's the kind of dog you need!

  2. If there was ever a dog to have, tiger would be the dog!!! Greatest dog ever.

  3. Susan just got a dog too and its cute. She was in the same boat as you on this until Ryan jumped off and bought the dog!

  4. makes me miss him. so happy he is being loved. and for the record...he really is the world's best dog.
