Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yeah, "Real Simple"

I've been asked before if I would ever let my kids get into show business. The thought of doing this while my kids are still... kids, sounds anything but "simple." Trying to get both of my boys showered and dressed in clothes that match, having to brush through baby Gracie's tangled locks, giving Alex the posture and pimples talks, blech, it all sounds like so. much. work.

So when my sweet friend Sara asked if my kids would be the little models for her party planning business in an upcoming contribution to Martha Stewart's REAL SIMPLE site, I said... "That sounds like a lot of work... of course!" Simplicity is totally overrated.

They did a great job on the shoot, thanks to Sara's craft services of 4th of July watermelon and cake snack breaks. And they got paid! All this was enough to make them not really care they missed half of the school carnival. Now that it's in the past, and we have these cute pictures to show for it, it all seems so... simple.


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