Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sometimes there’s just no rest for the noise-weary - Autumn McAlpin - The Orange County Register

as published by OC Register on Jan. 20, 2012

With my children all now attending school at least half the day, I anticipated a year of silent errand-running.

Boy, was I wrong.

While my children no longer fill my ears with their blunders, giggles and opinions, our fellow citizens of America do. And I am flabbergasted by what people are saying oh so loud and clear.

While attempting a writing session at a local Starbucks, my plot points were recently overshadowed by those of the man one seat over, who engaged in a feisty phone call with his mom regarding his adult sister's totally infantile behavior at their holiday family functions.

"Can you hear me now?" he loudly asked every two minutes. Dude, they can hear you three Starbucks away. You're in an armchair, not a soundproof booth.

But that was nothing compared with the latest dramedy at the nail salon.

To read entire article:
Sometimes there’s just no rest for the noise-weary - Autumn McAlpin - The Orange County Register