Thursday, March 8, 2012

When Your Friends Are Your Material

My recent contribution to my writing mentor's website: Erma Bombeck, this one's for you.

I recently praised the witty writing on my friend’s blog and told her that she should consider submitting for print.

“Yeah, but I could never publish the things about my kids that you do about yours.”

Such candor validates her true friend status. And often as a writer, I wonder how many real friends I have left.

On the days I muster shedding my uniform drawstrings for appropriate lunch attire, I sit across from radiant women who bubble bathe and work out and wonder if they would invite me back if they knew …

… that as they lightly laugh, their words crank through a mind that twists their tragedies into plot points, conjugates their conundrums into dialogue that may or may not end up on the cutting room floor.

As writers, our worlds — our people — are our material. Do they know?

To read the rest, click here: