Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cracking Up: A vacation that never was

as published at on May 30, 2012:
The treehouse "Dwell" in Ojai; available on too good to be true option when you wait 'til the last minute...
"What are you guys up to this weekend?" the text from my friend read.

The idealism had all started Friday morning of the Memorial weekend holiday when my husband emerged from our home office after two years spent buried in his new business to announce he was ready to bug out of town. This glorious news greenlit my favorite hobby: trip planning. BUT ... 

"Ideally, planning a surprise to take the kids somewhere fun! Realistically, working in pajamas," I replied, wondering if my favorite flannels had yet made it through the dry cycle. 

"Before I spend four hours planning the perfect getaway, I'm going to need a commitment and a credit card from you," I said, safeguarding my efforts from the reason and logic he loves to hurl at my "great ideas." 

He handed over the plastic and I was off. But a quick search on every site revealed … nada. Besides an $8,000 a night suite in the central coast, every "family resort" adventure in the western hemisphere had been booked solid for months. Overachievers. 

So I branched out to a land of Plan B trips, finding this route included many options my kids might find "memorial..."
To read the rest, click here:
Cracking Up: A vacation that never was - OC Moms - The Orange County Register