as published at on July 18, 2012:
When my siblings get together, we tend to attract attention. Not only are there eight of us, but most of us are at least six feet tall. And forcibly competitive. And really, really loud.
As kids, these factors resulted in large-bodied, high octane, sibling combat. I don’t recall our parents taking us out to eat often.

But I do remember them teaching us to play a game called "Sardines" — a form of reverse hide-and-seek where one person hides and everyone else seeks. Once you find the hider, you quietly join him until all players are squatting and bending together in a china hutch or coat closet. With so many of us, this may have just been my parents’ version of free babysitting, but I have to think that in all that close knit crouching, we formed a bond.
Because now that we’ve spread out as adults — and most of us now have families of our own — there’s nothing we like more than to be together. With such a large crew of larger-than-life personalities, our reunions frequently feature us as the main spectacle in Speedo fashion shows, stand up comedy routines, and nationally televised game shows.
Though our spouses may beg we blur their faces, our family reunions are often reality show-worthy. And when we have a chance to gather, we’ll take what we can get as far as accommodations go...
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