Monday, November 21, 2011

We Can Do Hard Things

as published at on Nov. 21, 2011
My son Gavin just tested to receive his black belt in Taekwondo. Watching him kiai his way through three forms, five boards, and 200 high kicks was impressive to say the least. But the part of the day that made the deepest impression was watching the kids who didn't hammer their way through the boards on the first try.

For some, it took three, four, even five attempts to crack through the inch thick planks of wood. With hands and feet bruised and bloody, tears pouring down their pain-contorted faces, they returned to the boards again and again, refusing to give up, refusing to fail. As the crowd cheered them on, a motto flooded my mind:

"We can do hard things."

This motto is not mine, but one recently adopted by my good friends and neighbors, the Hegewalds. The Hegewalds embody the all-American family-- dad Kevin an E.R. doctor, and mom Abby a stay-at-home Supermom to four active kids, ages 8 to 16. The Hegewalds coach the teams, host the parties, and show up like Mary Poppins whenever you need help. And they do it all with great humor and huge, trademark smiles.

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We can do hard things | kevin, hard, through - News - The Orange County Register