Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cracking Up: Room mom woes - OC Moms - The Orange County Register

I have a special request for all you mothers out there who are able to pass a clipboard without feeling the slightest urge to pick up the string-attached flower pen, to all you ninja moms who manage to both drop off and pick up your kid so stealthily that you never meet the snack sign-up, to all you parents who truly feel zero compulsory action upon receiving three — THREE — emails that kindergarten still needs a room mom:

Tell me your secrets!?!

I’ll make it easy on you. I’ll stop by your tennis court, or salon, or boardroom. I’ll even bring you gluten-free refreshments!
But I must learn how you avoid all these sticky situations with a smile. Because when it comes to the sign-ups, I am a big fat sucker.

Why? I don’t know. What am I trying to prove? Nothing. Do I really think my children’s scholastic success hinges on how many Pilgrim packets I staple and field days I officiate? Not really.

Yet most years, I feel the guilt and subsequently become that mom who makes the flower pens for the clipboards after assigning the snack schedule before driving half the kids home. And room mom? Got the badge — seven of them.
But not this year, I promised my husband. I’m just saying no! Nope. Not me. And I was doing pretty well -- until my daughter switched schools.

To read entire article:
Cracking Up: Room mom woes - OC Moms - The Orange County Register

Photos Courtesy of Tracy Engel