Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Will This Kid Say Next?

as published at on Nov. 10, 2011

A cylinder of congealed cream of chicken soup slowly slimes its way out of its can and into the vat of frozen veggies and chopped chicken I’ve dumped into a Pyrex dish. My husband enters the kitchen and surveys my culinary creation.
“Is someone sick?” he asks, cringing.

Mom, mom, mama, mommy, MOM, MOOOOM!

“This could turn out good,” I reply.
“Just remember: WWBS?”
I look up. He has a point. What Will Blake Say?
Blake’s our third child - a sweet 5-year-old boy with an adorable dimpled smile who simultaneously captures my heart and capsizes my sanity.
Because here’s what Blake will say: “Eeeeew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Gross. Blech. What is this? Is she trying to kill us? Why do we have to eat dog food? Or, I know, the dog ate this and died so that’s why she’s giving the leftovers to us. Maybe when the dog died, she cut up his stomach and that’s what we’re eating …”
Blake’s casserole of guttural noises dashed with ruthless recrimination will continue until our entire flock of offspring sits squirming in their barstools, convinced their mother has served them dog guts for dinner, with a tall glass of whine. Thanks, son.

To read entire article: What will this kid say next?? - OC Moms - The Orange County Register

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