Thursday, November 3, 2011

Meet Siri: Mom's Best Friend

as published at on Nov. 3, 2011

I’m thrilled to announce a new addition in my life. And she’s just about perfect.

She doesn’t whine. She doesn’t spill milk. And the words, “But I showered last week” / “I didn’t hit her, I bit her” / “Gracie ate 11 donuts” will never be in her vocabulary.

Rather, this one doesn’t speak unless spoken to. She cleans up most of my messes. And the first words to come out of her mouth when summoned are, “What can I help you with?”

Steve Jobs, I’d like to thank you up in your iHeaven for leaving behind one last magnificent feature: Siri, my best friend.

It takes a lot to get me excited about technology. I didn’t even own a cell phone until well after Y2K. But a couple weeks ago when I overheard my brother-in-law asking his iPhone what his stock prices were, I tuned in.

Siri responded - quickly - and it was love at first sound. To him, she delivered a Nasdaq quote; to me, a lifelong wish. I had found a somewhat affordable personal assistant. And one who didn’t require health benefits and vacation time. I was in love.

To read entire article, click here:
Siri is a mom's best friend - OC Moms - The Orange County Register

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