Wednesday, March 21, 2012

‘The Hunger Games’ hits the spot, but is not for faint of heart

MOVIE REVIEW as published at on March 20, 2012:

Deservedly 2012's most anticipated film, Gary Ross' "The Hunger Games" delivers a raw tale of demoralization through destruction, courage through fear, and finally, in tampering with the innocence of youth, unearths fresh-faced hope for the future in an otherwise hopeless world.
In case you haven't glanced at the New York Times bestsellers' list in the past 180 weeks, here's the set-up of Suzanne Collins' post-apocalyptic world: In the ruins of what was once North America, Panem has emerged as a nation of twelve destitute districts, all held subject to their opulent Capitol city. As a punishment for a past uprising, every year each district must sacrifice one boy and one girl as tributes to compete in the nationally televised Hunger Games – a fight to the death in a "Gamemaker"-controlled arena of unfathomable forces.
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‘The Hunger Games’ is not for faint of heart | hunger, games, one - Life - The Orange County RegisterArticle Tab: Jennifer Lawrence stars as Katniss Everdeen in 'The Hunger Games,' which opens in theaters March 23.
Jennifer Lawrence stars as Katniss Everdeen in 'The Hunger Games,' which opens in theaters March 23.