Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My 6-year-old prefers the news to cartoons

as published at on March 21, 2012:
During the school year, our TV stays off Monday through Friday. But I have a sneaky early riser who's onto something.
On the chance morning I wake up earlier than Blake to meet a deadline, he knows I'd much rather let him break the no TV rule than talk my ear off while I attempt to type. So I can pretty much expect that any early bird writing session will be accompanied by a bed-headed Blake who's been missing his shows.
What I didn't expect was the request he made last week when he hopped down the stairs with his blanket in tow.
As usual, I reached for the remote with a, "Whatcha want to watch, Blake?"
"The news."
The kid is 6.
"The what?" I looked at him, waiting for his delicious smile to crack.
But stone-faced: "I'm serious. Turn on the news."
"Um, OK. Are you feeling CNN or Fox these days?"
"Whatever you think is good."
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My 6-year-old prefers the news to cartoons - OC Mom - The Orange County Register