Sunday, July 25, 2010

Faith, Hope, and Love

My little Alex turns 10 this week! So last night, we had a girl's night to celebrate. She had no idea where we were going, so i waited until we got in the car to tell her a story...She was due to be born on July 28th, 2000. Hearing that first babies were never on time, I naively bought Faith Hill & Tim McGraw concert tickets for that very day, assuming I would make the concert. We went to Outback Steakhouse in Provo, Utah before for dinner, and sure enough, I started having contractions during dinner. We stopped by the hospital to get checked, and they said while I was in the early stages of labor, I could go home and rest for awhile--but I could NOT go to the concert in Salt Lake. I was bummed to sacrifice those tickets, but quickly forgot about that (a mere 31 hours later) when I experienced the best moment of my life--becoming a mother. There is NOTHING like those sweet moments you experience with your firstborn. And I was spoiled in that I didn't have any school or work to distract me, so I spent many months with long, long hours in a recliner with Alex sleeping on my chest...memories...

Back to the story. So I then told Alex we were going to Outback Steakhouse and the Faith Hill concert! She was really excited, and while we both got a little sick from the greasiest food in America, the concert was awesome.

Faith's still got it, as the audience of primarily the elderly, tweens, and drunk girls' night outers would surely agree. And the music took me back...

During "Let Me Let Go", I remembered many nights in high school of driving past the house of Lee Whatshisface (funny, I swore I'd never forget), lamenting in tandem with Faith when he stopped calling because I was a "good girl." I took the liberty of telling Alex this, who respectfully held back on the eye rolling, even though she can't yet fathom why boys are worth liking. She sang along with "Breathe", and rocked out to "This Kiss". And I smiled that we're not yet there with her. But sooner than I'd like, I'm sure we will be. And I hope at that point, she'll still be willing to go to concerts with me and hold my hand. And tell me all about Whatshisface.

I sure love you, Alex.


  1. Ahhh. I remember when you had Alex and my mom and I came to visit you at your house (and maybe even the hospital) shortly after. I was in awe that you had a baby because having one of my own was still so far from my mind. I can't believe Alex is 10 and my Dane is 7! Where does the time go? What a fun mother-daughter date. You are the coolest! Even if Whatshisface didn't think so :)

  2. So fun! Tell Alex we said Happy Happy Birthday on Friday!
