Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How to replace your dog or your mom

as published at on March 7, 2012:
Last August when we rescued our dog Stevie, no one loved him at first sight more than our four-year-old, Gracie.
She loved him in her doll crib where she hid him until we dug out the baby gate that kept her upstairs and him down. She loved him through dinner as they shared licks and bites off the same fork under the table. She loved him while smothering him in his dog bed where he growled that he really preferred to sleep alone.
Article Tab: image1-How to replace your dog or your mom
Photo courtesy Autumn McAlpin

Every day, all day long, Gracie chased Stevie around the house with all of her love. And every day, all day long, Stevie hid from her. We never thought she’d stop loving him, her long-awaited girl’s best friend.
So last week when we told Gracie that “Stevie ran away,” we expected a tear, or maybe a frown.
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How to replace your dog or your mom - OC Moms - The Orange County Register