Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cracking Up: Gratitude, kindergarten style

as published at on November 21, 2012:
Few experiences in life are more rewarding than a kindergarten performance. Whatever hassles you endured in the camera charging and parking poaching arenas are worth it to get there. Because once your little munchkin marches onto the circle time carpet to wail Stevie Wonder-style, while picking his nose and doing the potty dance, you can’t help but absorb the joyful living that takes place in the land of the uninhibited.
My daughter Gracie’s recent Thanksgiving show did not disappoint.
Article Tab: image1-Cracking Up: Gratitude, kindergarten style
I had entered this particular event a bit shaky. Late, and flustered -- as I couldn’t find a camera charger or a parking spot -- I knew I’d have to rely on my memory to mark this moment.
As my fourth and final child waved at me from her spot, I realized this would be my last time in this room to watch a feather-headpieced tribute to Tom the Turkey. Each of my four kids had begun their formal education on gratitude here in this primary colored oasis. And how could they not be grateful for a room filled with books and blocks and lots of recess?
I watch my daughter’s teacher on the floor. Mrs. Stamen is the ideal mold from which kindergarten teachers are made: she feels like sunshine and sounds like a giggle. She adores my daughter and calls her “Marshmallow” for me, when I’m not there. There is no one else with whom I’d rather share my daughter’s days.
A line-up of squeaky rockstars take their turns on the mic, mimicking the teacher’s guiding melody. With furrowed brows and practiced enunciation, they count out ice cream scoops with sing-songy motions, and belt out the searing lyrics of the ballad “Happiness.” We watch their little eyes twinkle as they boogie preacher-style to “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!” They’re off beat and often out of tune. But the tears of every mother in the room would concur no chorus has ever sounded better.
The kids then line up for the highlight of the show: to pronounce what they’re grateful for. This is the moment when these kids’ true colors are allowed to go scribble scrabble...READ THE REST:
Cracking Up: Gratitude, kindergarten style - OC Moms - The Orange County Register