Monday, April 25, 2011

The Birds and the Bees and All the Awkwardness in Between

as published on on April 25th, 2011

Ah, spring. Time for Claritin, trips to Lowe's, and growth and rebirth. Which reminds me ... in our house, it's also time for "the talk."

The signs have been looming for months now. Fifth-grade science camp. Her premiere deodorant purchase. And most recently, the permission slip that, once signed, will consign our eldest daughter to one of the most awkward hours of her life as she joins her female peers for a video that hopefully will traumatize her so deeply that she will never look at a boy again until she's legally wed.

It's time to break out the birds and the bees.

According to the experts, we're a couple of years behind schedule. By the time she was 8, she should have known that "pee pee" is not the proper terminology for all body parts "down there." But she resisted, covering her ears and wailing, "Nah, nah, nah, I can't hear you" every time I asked her if she had any questions about ... you know. For her, some things are best left off the table. Like vegetables.

To read entire article:

Birds, bees and all the awkwardness in between - News - The Orange County Register

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