Saturday, May 28, 2011

This Simplicity Thing is Awfully Complex

as published on on May 28, 2011

One morning I was trying to power-nap on the couch, but my internal alarm awoke me every two minutes: "Get up, don't be late, they're expecting you."

I had stayed up until 4 a.m. doing a little Pepsi Max-powered home-office organization. So after the second my two oldest hauled off to school at 8, I nestled onto the sofa amid a forgotten violin and Tostito crumbs. I was ready to drool until the next place to be – an hour from then.

I had signed up to take my younger two to my friend's co-op play date. This co-op was designed to be a benefit to us moms, a convenience in my life. We all take our turns doling out dino nuggets. And today it was someone else's turn, so I was getting three hours off to get stuff done.

To read entire article:

This simplicity thing is awfully complex | kids, home, really - News - The Orange County Register

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