Thursday, October 20, 2011

No Rest for the Weary

as published at on Oct. 13, 2011
I marvel at our technology-addicted world, how we’ve been trained by our devices to multi-task away every minute of our day so that we can’t sit still, hands-free, for even two minutes.

Even while in the restroom at Marie Callendar’s.

We took the kids on a little road trip last weekend to visit family, when we saw the freeway billboard advertising it’s $7.99 pie month. Suddenly, everyone had to go to the bathroom.

One chocolate cream pie later, I accompanied my oldest daughter into the restroom where we both noticed chalkboards adhered to our individual stall walls, right above the toilet paper dispensers. Chalkboards, people. The real deal, old school, ABC 123 set-up. Equipped with real chalk, naturally.

Please join me in the only normal thought this visual should procure: WHY?

My daughter called out bewildered, from the stall next door. I had no answer. But as I sat there staring at the blackboard staring back at me I thought… in what weird world do you need to shout out a chalkboard message while doing your business?
To read entire article, click here:
No rest for the weary - Cracking Up - The Orange County Register

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