as published at on June 7, 2012:
When it comes to gifts, my husband doesn’t ask for much. If I forcibly cajole him into providing a birthday or Father’s Day gift idea, he usually appeases me with, "You know I like to collect watches."
Funny, for a guy who is never on time.

But Michael has a special gift when it comes to the extra hours he squeezes out of his day. Daily and without fail, they belong to his children. His time with them is generous, timeless, and intentional.
Time and responsibility frequently slip away when Michael takes the kids on a hike to the water tower or turns a two ingredient grocery run into a four store supermarket sweep to find the best-stocked Redbox, or falls asleep on their floor at night reading a few bonus chapters because the story’s just getting good. These are all perfectly legitimate excuses for missing appointments and meals and bedtimes in his mind.
In the long run, I suspect he’s right.
As the one who logistically spends the most time with our kids, I often feel the opposite — that I'm at my limit, that I need a rest, that I need some alone time. Recently after spending six hours in the car with our 6-year-old who speaks 6,000 words per minute, I collapsed in my husband's home office chair, ears ringing, and moaned, "That kid sure loves to talk..."
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A father who tells time by the hours spent with his kids - OC Moms - The Orange County Register