Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tweeting for the Pulitzer

as published at on June 12, 2012:
Despite the ever-progressive state of the technological age, it seems if we want to achieve real success as writers, we actually must regress back to behaviors we learned in, like, high school.
In the olden days, writers wrote. They moved to the forest to cabins with no electricity and hunted or trapped their own dinner or better yet never ate at all because they were too busy chain-smoking and ignoring everyone they’ve ever met and WRITING. The more angst and reclusivity, the better their work.
Oh, to be Harper Lee.
Now, if I want to make it as a writer, my muse is a homecoming queen. Because everyone “likes” her.
Social media has invaded even the most lonely of professions, and just like the quill, the solitary life has been expelled from the writer’s toolkit by the landmines of the “Like Me” world...
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