Monday, October 1, 2012

Cracking Up: The class clown who grew up

as published at on Sept. 27th, 2012:
Ever wonder what happened to the class clown from high school?
Thanks to social media, you just might find out.
Article Tab: clown-playing-few-former
Bill Leonard, former class clown, playing around with a few of his "Phive" kids.
"Michael, check this out," I said, shoving Facebook in my husband’s face. "Bill Leonard is now a single dad with five kids and appears to be a successful stock broker in Florida and has that Restoration Hardware table I wanted."
"Who's Bill Leonard?"
"This kid who went to my high school. He was a total class clown — like the ‘why'd you blow up the pencil sharpener' kind, not the ‘hangs out in the teacher's back pocket' kind. And now, he has five kids! He calls them ‘the Phive.' Listen to this post: ‘Cleaning homemade cottage cheese out of sippy cups.' That's something I would say!"
"Well now you can be friends. Tell him you're sorry about turning him in for the pencil sharpener."
Whatever. While I never turned Bill in for anything (I don't think), I did start to notice his frequent Super Dad posts:
"Ahhh ... the feel and smell of urine at 7:30 a.m. ..."
"Ordering (Pac-man lights) for my boys room ..."
"Four gallons of milk in the fridge is normal ... right?"
Then one day, he posted a picture of the dollhouse bed. The same dollhouse bed we built for our oldest daughter 10 years ago...

Cracking Up: The class clown who grew up - OC Moms - The Orange County Register